Theater and Social Justice

Keep on Collaborating…

:::::::::::: One of the most powerful aspects of Crossroads is appreciating all the wonderful work we do in St. Louis on a daily basis.

Here’s my personal favorites:

David A.N. Jackson- a multitalented musician, poet and performer. soundscapist. E-mail David A.N. Jackson

Cowry Collective- I look forward to being involved in the group’s mission to create a stronger community of people of African descent in the greater St. Louis area. E-mail Cowry Collective

Playback Theater & The Joint Task Force- what a beautiful strong image etched in my mind at the Thursday opening reception. Go Jackie Go! You can catch them next at Washington University.

Diversity Awareness Partnership is preparing for their Summer Arts Retreat. I am so excited to be involved in such a thoughtful initiative! (I was definitely inspired by our NOLA guests at the crossroads. )

PPRC Photography Exhibition will be happening just around the corner at both Urban Eats and UMSL. for more info!

& many, many, more contributions, movements and happenings throughout the area. I’m excited to see what the convening will birth… and will patiently await the *hopeful* next….

Just a note of what I do:

I am a mother, artist, curator, organizer. I am on the National and local board of the Women’s Caucus of Art. I lead crazy art sessions out of my studio on Sundays to youth, adults and special interest groups. It’s at the corner of 19th and Madison on the northside of town. I part time it at the Scholarshop & always willing to lend a helping hand.

I am a founding member of Yeyo Arts Collective & GYA arts shop, a small group of black women who believe in empowerment through arts and craft… in a self-sustainable cooperative kinda way. We will be having the grand opening to our space May 1st at our new location  2700 Locust! (Our beginnings here will be forever linked in my mind to the Crossroads as its birthplace=)

Please check me out:

I am a very proud member of the following groups:

… It has been a pleasure growing with all of you over this past great weekend.